Take your garage from an unmanageable mess to an organized space that makes sense and works for your family!

Sign me the heck up!

Let’s call it like it is

Your garage has become a glorified storage unit.

Just thinking about finding your holiday decor / sports gear / that one little tool required to open the toy that needs its batteries replaced (now that I think about it, where are the batteries!?) conjures up images of things falling, dust in your eyes, and more stress than it’s worth.

Feeling overwhelmed just thinking about it?
Stick with me here.


you’ve already tried…

Watching YouTube tutorials and scouring Google for tips

Skipping the decluttering and instead attempting to organize your clutter or buy bins

Attempting it yourself only to end up overwhelmed - then shoving items into random spaces or throwing in the towel

Yep, That’s Me!

Our garage caused us the greatest stress of all the spaces in our home

Furniture, boxes, decorations, misc. The huge piles stressed us out. My stress sky-rocketed when I walked into the garage. Tripping over things or moving things to get to the ONE thing we wanted.

Now, we feel relieved. Learning HOW to do it was helpful - it was an efficient process. 

I would have spent many weekends and months trying to figure it out on my own and the thought of that is agonizing.”

Josh M.

You are totally capable of:


With zones that just make sense


That stays that way


Full of things you love that are simple to access

All you need to do is Trust The Process

Sign me up!

I've become known as the ‘Garage Whisperer’

I’m Samantha Pregenzer.

s a Certified Professional Organizer®, I’ve organized for hundreds of families. The best place to start organizing your home?

The garage.

Garages hold a lot of things - extras (hello, most recent Costco trip!), memories (potentially shoved into bins for ‘later’), and the things that fuel our passions (sporting gear, hobbies, etc).

But instead of feeling like a space for fun, it often turns into a disorganized, overwhelming mess that’s impossible to maintain.

I’m here to help you change your mindset and fall in love with your garage!

That’s Why I Created Trust The Process

This is a self-paced, 6-module course that will show you how to:

🫶 Make sense of your garage

🫶 Create ‘zones’ to help you define and maximize each area

🫶 Keep your garage tidy, even as you organize the rest of your house

Save me from my mess!

I was embarrassed with how much stuff we had… I would never have tackled it if I didn’t have a plan or a process to follow.

The process was perfection - I was shocked and blown away. I didn’t know it would go that quickly or efficiently.”

Kristy G.


Bins & containers won’t solve your organization problems.

We’ll get you organized
(and keep it that way!) in 5 steps

You’ll have lifetime access to six modules that will show you exactly how to:


Find Peace in the Process

This approach should bring you peace - especially because you’ll have me by your side every step of the way! Additionally, once your garage is organized, you’ll continue to feel this sense of peace every time you step inside!


Take a Pause

Assess your project by defining your garage goals & vision, and create a schedule and game plan that works for you.


Decide what to Eliminate

Learn what piles and categories are, and what questions to ask yourself as you clear out what you no longer need and make room for organizational magic!


Make a plan and Approach

Break down what your storage could look like, assess what materials you already have, and decide how to move forward


Begin to Contain

Buy exactly (and only!) what you need to make your garage dreams a reality! Then, we’ll place them into the correct zones, label, and perfect them!



This is the important part - maintaining your space! Plus, I’ll show you how to assess your systems as your needs grow & change.

“During the process I felt SO hopeful and happy - having a timeline for my project gave me hope.

Having a deadline caused me to be prepared. When it was completed, there was no chaos. I could find everything. Always able to find everything when I needed it.

This project motivated me to move on to other spaces. It’s an addictive process!” 

Macie L.

PLUS, a few VIP members will get my eyes on their garage projects!

Join as a VIP member and get two group coaching sessions with me!

You’ll have TWO opportunities to get my eyes on your space. These touchpoints are scheduled for about 1 month apart, so a limited number of VIP members will have the opportunity to ask questions and work through areas they’re struggling with in the process.


You get lifetime access to the course, plus my complete resource guide for only:

Trust the Process

  • Lifetime access to 6 modules

  •  Lifetime access to 31 lessons

  •  My complete resource library of trusted containers, tools, and more!

Get it now for just $397

Trust the Process

+ VIP coaching

  • Everything in Trust the Process PLUS

  • Two LIVE group Q&A sessions

Get VIP for just $697

Still have questions? 

Past clients have asked…

Your garage should be treated as part of your home’s interior space.

Create an organized, airy space you love.

Learn to keep it that way.

👆I want this for you, and more.

And you can have it when you Trust The Process.


Join Trust The Process now

© Samantha Pregenzer LLC

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